Friday, May 30, 2008

The Times, They Are A Sucking

I try to be a positive person. I try not to air my dirty laundry, even though about three people will read it. I try to be a good person but it can be trying at times and these are one of those times.

I got rejected on yet another television show job this morning, one that a few people I considered allies were working on. They said they loved me and they were keeping me in mind. I'd hoped I'd at least be considered for a writer's assistant job but in the end even that went to someone else. It seems as if the studios are cutting budgets and that's heavily affecting the hiring of writing staffs, as they don't have the money to hire as many as they would have had the writers strike not happened. It would seem that this is a kind of payback from the studios and producers, a final "Fuck you" to the people who thought they could stand up to the conglomerates. But not only is affecting the writing staffs themselves, it's affecting people like me who weren't already in at ground level.

Because I have not "officially" been on staff (i.e. hired as a staff writer) I am considered to have no experience even though I've been in two different writers rooms. Even though the main thing you're doing in the writers room is tossing out ideas and eventually writing a script, which is sad considering that despite having never been paid to write a script I have actually written several.

I could try to keep hope that something, some kind of last minute reprieve from the fairy job governor but after eight months I just don't have the energy or the desire to hope anymore. I have to face the reality that it might be a good, long year before I can even try for staffing again. As we come to June the opportunities become nill to none, or, as my hero Bruce Campbell so eloquently put it in Army of Darkness: "You ain't leading nothing but jack and shit. And Jack left town."

It seems dear readers, that for me, Jack has left town.


Kenny said...

That sucks. Sorry to hear that. Yeah, I have not had many TV meetings at all this season and what I've had has been as general as they come. It is really a rough season.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm tired of being poor. I don't want to be rich, but this is stupid. I hate living on beans and ramen this far after graduation.

What I think is really hurting television right now (from the POV of someone very distant from the industry) is that they are putting a limited amount of scripted crap out (and it is crap), so fewer people are watching, fewer advertising dollars going in, thus fewer staff spots & new shows.

You should come out to Colorado Territory and we will film our own damn movie, or at least a teaser to raise funds on. It will be amazing and will sell and we'll all have jobs where we work three months a year and get to eat other exciting foods like vegetables. These exotic and rare items have been put out of my budget since bell peppers went above $2 each.