Monday, March 31, 2008

Countdown to Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica is one of those rare, excellent, almost perfect TV shows that come every once in a blue moon. It's the kind of show I have to watch with my full attention, the first time it comes on, despite the fact that I would have to watch with commercials. It's the kind of show where you can overlook the commercials because you have to see what's going to happen right then and there. It's the kind of thought provoking, entertaining and fan obsessed show I dream about creating one day.

I wasn't a fan of the original show this version sprung from, like Athena from zeus' head, but I did watch it with my dad, marveling at how bad the original was. When it was announced that there was going to be a redo I questioned why anyone would bother, but that was the extent of my objection. I know there were some die hard fans of the original who shit a brick at the thought of the show being redone at all, and then tore their intestines out at the thought that Starbuck, the man whore of the original, was being turned into a woman. While I wasn't upset by that at all, I will admit I was disappointed that Boomer, a black man in the original, was being turned into an Asian woman. We already lack black characters on TV and that was one that I personally felt could have been left alone.

When the mini-series debuted, like every one else I drank the punch and got in line for my sneakers. The only difference with this was that the punch was good, phenomenal in fact and we all wanted more. I was happy to see that the mini-series was going to be turned into a full series show and not just because it meant I was going to be seeing more of Jamie Bamber's Apollo (hawt).

The first season, much like the first season of Friday Night Lights (another show I'm madly in love with)was pitch perfect, culminating in one of the most captivating season cliff hangers since the Starship Enterprise found out Picard had been turned into Locutus of Borg (for me that was the first time as a kid I ever looked forward to fall, just to find out what the hell was going to happen). When Boomer, a sleeper agent for the Cylons, pulls out a gun and gut shot Commander Adama my mouth fell open and I actually yelled at my poor TV who couldn't have possible given me an answer to my primal scream of "What the fuck?" because that had to wait until the new season.

The second season came, and with it the amazing Pegasus storyline, brining in one of my favorite actresses Michelle Forbes (Go Ensign Roe!) as badass Helena Cain who wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet in your head. Sadly, she died and with her I think some potentially better storylines than the ones we got for the second half of season two, such as the much loathed Black Market episode, which pissed me off not only because it sucked but because no matter how many galaxies away they were, no matter the different culture of the humans, the evil pimp just had to be a black man, and Bill Duke to boot, which was just a damn waste of a fine actor. I was very disappointed in the episode and the casting choice was salt on a wound.

The end of season two pissed me off because of the utter stupidity of the characters, and I did not feel sorry for nary a one of them as the Cylons invaded their new home and created an occupation on New Caprica, but I realized that living in a country that voted for Bush twice, people can, and will be inherently stupid even when presented with evidence that what they're doing is stupid. I got over the abrupt "One Year Later" time jump, because that gave us the uber awesome season three two part opener where the fleet rescues the humans on New Caprica.

Season three, much like the second season of Friday Night Lights, was highly uneven, but still better than 99.999% percent of what's currently on TV (it's pretty had to distinguish when both shows are on at the same time, thankfully they're not). And that brings us to season four, which begins this Friday. I'm excited, needless to say, even though this is the final season of this awesome show. There will be Answers, and unlike certain other shows, *coughLostcough* they're going to address the big questions well before the last episode airs, like why exactly Col. Tigh is a Cylon.

For every day until Friday, when I'll be at a viewing party (my first viewing party non-work related for any show whatsoever) I'll try to post something Battlestar related, starting with the above promo. For some reason I get chills every time Starbuck screams, "You're going the wrong way!" partly because I want them to reach earth (even though I've been told they will) and partly because of what I saw in Razor, the TV movie where it was revealed that Starbuck will lead the humans to their doom.

Is it true? We'll have to watch to find out.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Saturday, March 22, 2008

To Sarah, Re: Point Break Live

It seems one commenter I never knew I had has taken issue with my post on Point Break Live! Here's what "sarah" had to say:

Sorry, I'm absolutely fed up with the Keanu-bashing bullshit.

Kudos to you for seeing a joke in this, but all I see is Keanu struggling for the past 25 years working hard to be taken even a little bit seriously, while everyone else only concentrates on his less-than-great roles.
I don't want to be adding any more roadblocks in his path by seeing this.

Um, sarah, I hope this is a joke, but in case it isn't, allow me to retort:

"Roadblocks in his path?" Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, Jesus, Mary and Joseph, it's a SPOOF. It's a SPOOF of a film that's seventeen years old, and quite frankly was begging for satire.
Not only that, but Keanu isn't the only one being spoofed, EVERYONE ELSE INVOLVED IN THE FILM IS AS WELL, from the director, to the cast, right down to the writer. This play won't have ANY affect on Keanu Reeves career. He makes between 10-15 million a picture now with one coming out in a few weeks, trust me, he's being taken seriously.

Kathryn Bigelow, the woman most responsible for the film, and one, if you recall, has an actress playing her, has even seen the play and she LOVED it. I don't know if Keanu has seen it but I doubt his feelings would be hurt.

I never bashed Keanu Reeves, sarah, and no one in the play bashes Keanu Reeves, they're poking fun at a CHARACTER who's name is JOHNNY FUCKING UTAH, who works for the FBI and has to SURF in order to catch criminals who dress up as the presidents of the United States and rob banks. So please, do us all a favor and calm the fuck down.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Point Break Live!

Those of you who know me from way back, that probably being only Lovey at this point, know that I have a mad, obsessive, almost inexplicable crush on Keanu Reeves. It's spanned a good portion of my life, and every second of my adolescence and teenage years. I've seen every film he's been in, going as far as to buy used VHS tapes of his earlier films, The Night Before, and Prince of Pennsylvania, true gems of cinema and totally worth the three dollars plus shipping and handling fees.

What brought me to this obsession with one of the finest, if not the best, actor of our generation? The film Point Break.

If you've seen Point Break, you need no explanation of its awesomeness. If you haven't, then I can only recommend that you rent it and experience the pure adrenaline rush that can only come from a film whose protagonist is named Johnny Utah and the antagonist Bhodi. I speak from experience when I say it's a life changing experience.

Which brings me to the fun I had this past weekend, partaking in what is quickly becoming a hot spot in Downtown L.A., called "Point Break Live!" It is what it says it is, a live rendition of the film Point Break. I was skeptical at first, but a few friends talked me into going and I must say, it was the most fun I've had all year and the most fun theater experience.

They have an actress playing director Kathryn Bigelow, and every performance she "auditions" people for the esteemed role of Johnny Utah. That's right, she picks them straight from the audience of the night and the fun multiplies from there. Once the "actor" is chosen, there's a P.A. (also an actress and the show's Johnny Utah stunt double) who has the Utah actor read from cue cards. This may sound bad, but I assure you it's not. I assure you it's a damn good time.

The stage is set up so that you're pretty much apart of the action whether you want to be or not. The actors playing the four presidents (if you don't know what I'm talking about then really, go see the film) run around in the audience stealing the fake money you get when you arrive. I was on my way to get another beer during one of these "heists" when one of them accosted me and made a kissy noise. It was weird and fun. At one point they also took out water guns and sprayed everyone down, which was fine since we'd been given cheap dollar ponchos to protect ourselves.

All around it was a good time, the bar is close to the stage and nothing enhances a good time like drinking! (unless you have a drinking problem, then that's not so fun) and it was relatively cheap fun in L.A. (tix only $20). Highly recoomended if you like theater (absurd or regular), surfing, movie spoofs, men in drag for no apparent reason, Keanu Reeves or fun.

Monday, March 17, 2008

This is Fun and Informative

I got the count right but ultimately failed the test.



Don't for get to drink some green beer on this momentous day. :)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Technical Difficulties...

So, some of you who read this regularly might have noticed an influx of videos. What happened was, I'll usually post videos directly from YouTube, but for some reason it wasn't doing it as instantly as it normally did. And today, videos that I tried to post last week are for some reason popping up. I'll keep a handle on it.

A Video for the Day: The Life of a Writer

So, true. So, very, painfully true.

So's is Falling Off and Egg Beater!"

Gawd, I miss my childhood.

This is Appropriate...

Fitting at least. Love the headbanging from blond cello guy.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Not Down With the Neeley's

In my older age I'm becoming a Food Network addict. I say "in my older age" as a joke because over Christmas break my mom was surprised as hell to find out I enjoyed watching things like Rachel Ray's 30 Minute Meals, Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives, and Iron Chef America. Even though she enjoyed watching it with me. She asked me if I was "old" because she thought only old people watched Food Network. Well, I set her straight on that one!

Over Christmas break I saw the ads for Food Networks new shows, one of which was Down Home With the Neeley's, a show about a black couple from Memphis who own several bar-b-que restaurants. I was happy to see a little diversity added to Food Networks line up, even more so because it was southern style bar-b-que cooking and I love to bar-b-que, even if it's only in my tiny kitchen.

Since the Neeley show was on at 11 am on Saturday morning I set my DVR to record it because there's no way in hell I'm up that early and even if I am it probably means I'm doing some kind of extracurricular work. I watch the show but I have to say I'm slightly disappointed. Not by the recipes, aside from the pork (which I don't eat unless it's bacon strips accompanied by pancakes) they've been good. What irks the hell out of me is the Neeley's themselves. This is a couples show, where both of them are cooking together and it's so saccharine I feel my teeth rotting out as I watch. Not only that, but they're always flirting with each other and I can't help but feel it's incredibly fake for the camera. You love each other, we get it. You want to jump each others bones over the cornish hens and creamed collard greens, we get it. He's always taking some of your "sugah," WE GET IT.


Not only that, but they let the double entendres fly and I don't want to think about him buttering her ham while I'm watching them prepare food. It kills the mood, so to speak.

Not that the Neeley's are the only TV cooks I have a problem with. I can't really watch Paula Dean anymore because her liberal use of "y'all" makes me want to hurt her and anyone in the vicinity.

I still watch some of the Neeley show, but now if there's nothing I'm interested in I'll skip it, or if there is I'll go to food network's website and add the recipe to my recipe box (yes, I have an account at While it's nice that they are becoming more diverse, I just hope the next time food network picks someone less annoying.

Friday, March 7, 2008

This is Totally How I Feel Right Now

Humorous Pictures
Enter the ICHC online Poker Cats Contest!

Note To Self...

Don't ever go out of the house to drive after 5pm. You will not get to where you're going for an hour and then you've got to drive back and guess what? It's still rush hour!

Oi. Learned that reminder the hard way when I thought I could make a quick run to the grocery store for some grub. Bad idea.

Though, while I was at the grocery store (after I finally made it) there were black men who were selling shoes, or at least trying to. I got a weird cat call where the lead guy was bellowing to women passing by, "Oh I KNOW you got a man!" and he would point to us. One girl had two men, I apparently had three. I don't know who or where these three men I supposedly have are but they are not getting shoes sold in a grocery store parking lot. And while I was in the store I witnessed the weirdest punishement of a child ever. An older black woman caught, who I believe (read: hope) was her grandson, sitting on the railing for the corral of the shopping carts. She pulled him down and very sternly said: "This is a repentance. I want you to repent." I was stunned. Partly because I was expecting her to swat his bottom right then and there and partly because that's got to be the most ineffective punishment ever. I feel for that kid cause he's either going to grow up to rebel in the most horrible way possible or he's going to pass that nonsense on to a new generation.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

That Was Quick...

Be careful what you wish for. Then again, sometimes you get the things you were supposed to wish for but didn't have the courage.

That happened to me on my way home tonight, stuck in traffic on the 101. I was tired, burnt out and dreading the fact that I only had a few hours at home (a majority of which would have been spent sleeping) before I was back on the chopping block of boredom and anxiety that was my current temp job. And then I got a call from my coordinator. It seems that my services are no longer needed and I can't say I'm sorry to see it go.

I spent the first minute after receiving this news a little pissed, as I just bought an expensive dress (well, expensive for me) for a wedding later on this month and I needed to save money for that car. I had been planning on staying at this craptacular job until the end of the month but it seems fate has other plans for me. Right now those plans include drinking me a glass (or two) of wine and staying up past 11pm because now I don't have to get up at 6:45am.

I usually like to go by the campfire rule: leave things better than you found them, and I do pride myself on doing a good job but I think there was just no way to do that here. This company is relatively young but they've been around for seven years and are just now trying to get their administration department under control when people are used to doing things another way. I know this analogy is probably used way to much but this really was like trying to close the barn door after the horses got out.

Oh well. Now I don't have to cringe once the sun comes up and I don't have to dread getting out of bed. At least for now. While I enjoyed the money (what little there was) at least I get some piece of mind back. I realize that as much as we desperately need it, money isn't everything (so I say now, when I still have two more guaranteed paychecks coming to me) and when it's the only reason you're working (you know, as opposed to enjoying it) it can feel very empty and drain you, keeping you stuck in a job you hate. There comes a time where even prostitutes have to say no to money.

My friend called me to talk to me about it, after I'd texted her, and she told me I'd seemed very unhappy recently and she was happy that it was over. I didn't even realize that my unhappiness was spilling out that badly.Now it's over and I can celebrate, er, mourn, the loss of my hardly ever gainful employment. Cheers.

Thus Far...

Today has been a far better day than yesterday, knock wood, and I find myself not contemplating stabbing pens into people. Though I did discover today during my supply closet inventory that there are five extremely sharp Ginsu-type knives in the storage closet. Why? I don't know. I assume for cutting cakes or something but really, do you want such weaponry open to potential disgruntled employees? I'm not saying I'd do anything but I'm in the customer service department, any one of these people could go off from dealing with a stupid customer and take us all out with them. It's weird knowing that they're just hanging out in a closet and not in the kitchen.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

In it for the Long Haul...Possibly

You ever get that sneaking feeling that you're supposed to be doing something else? While it could be for anything I am talking about in the "life" category of this conversation.

I will admit I had one opportunity for gainful employment in the TV business, however it didn't go through. While my heart wasn't set on getting this job, it would have offered me a way out of the doldrums that is the temp job I currently work for where I find myself giving less and less of a shit every single day, however that's possible. Is there a negative level of "can't give a shit"? Or does it become a point where "can't give a shit" reaches absolute zero and either doesn't exist anymore or has to reset itself?

I will probable have the answer to that in a few days/weeks, I don't even know. With no new prospects on the horizon I feel like I'm walking through the desert, hoping for a mirage if only to keep some shred of hope.

What brought this emotional state about? I realized today that I have become one of millions of Americans who has a Job That Pays the Bills. This is different from other jobs because it's a job you hate but you drag yourself out of bed every morning because there's rent to pay and perhaps next month you may in fact have to get another car because yours won't pass smog inspection and the local DMV is on to you and your addiction to their temp tags and has cut you off cold turkey.

But I digress...

I have such a job now and while I shouldn't bitch and moan about it, guess what, I will. I don't like this job. Not one bit. And in the short time I've been working there, it has come to the point where every morning I look out my window at the sun coming up over the apartment building across the way and go, "Fuck, it's morning," when instead I should be happy that I can even see dawn because it means I didn't randomly die in my sleep.

Here's the thing about me though, and I will be honest with you: I bitch about everything. Every single job I've had I bitched about, though for 99.99987% of those the bitching was warrented, as is the case here.

But even when I had a Job I Loved and I bitched about it, it was that good kind of bitching, like what you do for family or any loved one that annoys you and where you actually were getting a paycheck that would have been able to support, bills, rent and a car payment. God I miss it.

I hope I'm not here too long, I hope I can get back to the good bitching about my job. Really, I've only had one job where I didn't want to jab a pen in someone's neck and that was a wonderful feeling. Here, I see pens every where, and not just 'cause I'm stocking them in the supply cabinets.

To end this post I'll leave you with a quote from an episode of Futurama that happened to be playing exactly as I was writing this post:

"Isn't it time you gave up on any hope of improving yourself in any way?"

Nay, I say to you, Bender. Nay it's not. There is, and will always be May, and with it it will bring the Upfronts and potential Jobs I Love.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

That Little Old Lady Had It Coming

So basically the Bible is one long acid trip?

Black Sheep

If you recall, this gem was one of the reasons I reactivated my Netflix account, because I just couldn't go another day without seeing for myself exactly what "weresheep" (think "werewolf" only they go "baa") were.

Well, as it turns out, I could.

I watched this and my god, I don't remember yelling "WTF" so many time through a movie. This even beat Spider-Man 3 for my whiskey tango foxtrot outbursts. There were some decent special effects, but man, those Kiwis are either imaginative beyond our capabilities or they need to lay off whatever it is that makes them come up with crap like this.

While I did watch the film, the only thing my brain can allow me to comprehend is that sheep who were experimented on go bad (when don't they) are eating people. One vegan hippie gets separated from his extreme vegan hippie girlfriend and gets himself bit by one of these weresheep and turns into a weresheep himself (when don't they). All hell breaks loose when a few other experimental sheep get loose in this quite little village (when doesn't hell break loose in one of these films, really now) and sheep start eating motherfuckers.

This sounds funny. It should have been funny. Sadly, it was only funny in spurts.

Naturally, as it happens in films like these, all hell breaks loose during a mass gathering, this time a company presentation by head Evil Scientist Guy, who should have known better than to fuck with Mother Nature but what can you expect from Evil Scientist Guys? If they have to fuck with something might as well be Mother Nature, consequences to humanity be damned.

While I don't feel like I wasted an hour and a half out of my life, I wouldn't mind if the filmmakers offered me a refund of my time and mental effort.

Monday, March 3, 2008

It's the Walking Away That Does It For Me

Right after he destroys that tank. I could watch him walk away repeatedly. I say that because I have. While I feel the trailer is showing me a little bit too much (I have a nagging fear they're throwing everything in from the film)I will be in line front and center, ready, willing and ever able to hand over my hard earned cash come Memorial Day weekend.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

It's March, You Know What That Means?

MARCH MADNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I shall throw out this now: Go Salukis!