Friday, March 7, 2008

Note To Self...

Don't ever go out of the house to drive after 5pm. You will not get to where you're going for an hour and then you've got to drive back and guess what? It's still rush hour!

Oi. Learned that reminder the hard way when I thought I could make a quick run to the grocery store for some grub. Bad idea.

Though, while I was at the grocery store (after I finally made it) there were black men who were selling shoes, or at least trying to. I got a weird cat call where the lead guy was bellowing to women passing by, "Oh I KNOW you got a man!" and he would point to us. One girl had two men, I apparently had three. I don't know who or where these three men I supposedly have are but they are not getting shoes sold in a grocery store parking lot. And while I was in the store I witnessed the weirdest punishement of a child ever. An older black woman caught, who I believe (read: hope) was her grandson, sitting on the railing for the corral of the shopping carts. She pulled him down and very sternly said: "This is a repentance. I want you to repent." I was stunned. Partly because I was expecting her to swat his bottom right then and there and partly because that's got to be the most ineffective punishment ever. I feel for that kid cause he's either going to grow up to rebel in the most horrible way possible or he's going to pass that nonsense on to a new generation.

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