Friday, February 29, 2008

What the F*ck is Wrong With This Cat?

Seriously, I want to know.

Oh Yeah, Almost Forgot...


Enjoy it while it lasts, it won't exist next year!

A Video for the Day: Kids' Rock

The Alanis parody had me holding my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing out loud in the office.

Hold On a Minute...

Jamie Foxx has played the following real life people:

Ray Charles (Ray), Tookie Williams (Redemption: The Stan Tookie Williams Story), "Curtis Taylor Jr." a.k.a. Barry Gordy (Dreamgirls) and is already filming as Nathaniel Ayers in The Soloist. On his upcoming slate he's scheduled to play the following: Earl Sanders, Bob Marley and now possibly Mike Tyson.

Jeebus. Either he's really good at playing real people or Hollywood forgot there are other black men in Hollywood.

Hell, Denzel Washington got how many biopics, two?

Thursday, February 28, 2008

A Video for the Day: The Most Important PSA You'll Ever See

This Worries Me...

While I am truly grateful to have a full time job (and the paycheck that goes with it) recent events have caused me deep concern. Most notably I've been given even more responsiblity besides the fetch and deliver responsibilities I had before. I've now been assigned a specific task in my job and while my supervisor was explaining the details to me I couldn't help but run a ticker tape in my mind that read something like this: "You know I'm not going to be here that long, right? Why are you doing this? Oh god, she really believes I'm goign to stay here."

I have no idea if my supervisor just doesn't understand the concept of a "temp" worker or if she's just hoping beyond hope that I'll be the one temp who sticks (I will not) but she assgined me a task that's, quite frankly, long term. I have no intention of being here "long term" as the strike is over and I'm damned and determined to get back on a show by June. That's a long ways away I know but even still I think it would be best for the two people who are already here to handle the long term assignments while I handle the grunt work, which I don't mind doing. I almost feel bad that my supervisor is going to have to 1)find someone to replace me and 2) retrain them in all the harder stuff she's training me to do right now. She's had a history of people not sticking to the position I currently hold and I can see why.

I was okay with the little things, like the phone having my name in the display, me getting a company email (which I totally DON'T need), the parking pass (everyone loves free parking) and even being put on the company contact list and seating chart but those didn't feel as permanent as being given this new task does. On one hand it shows she likes me and thinks highly of me, but on the other it also gives her a false sense of hope because the first chance I get I'm out of here.

I certainly hope I'm not here until June. While it's a lovely place to work it's totally not me and not what I want to be doing for months on end.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

A Video for the Day: The Magical Amount

Okay, truth, you've got me. This is where I come to understand just how advertising works. Even though I don't smoke, this song still gets stuck in my head and a few days ago I found myself singing it for no apparent reason so I guess it worked.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

For Kenny: Teenage Mother Trailer

I found this trailer to be at once, hilarious, sad and an unintentional satire on the views of teenage (particualry female) sexuality.

Note how angry the (Brooklyn?) narrator is as he says "Teenage Mother" with such disgust and then narrates the goings on as if he were reading events with the enthusiam of someone watching grass grow.

Note the "teenage mother" herself, a "fifteen"-year-old who apparently likes to stand in front of her bedroom wall and brush her hair in nothing more than her boots and skivvies. I can think of worse ways to spend a Friday night. She also has a habit of seductively licking what I think is bufflo wings. And how many of us women are guilty of that, right laidies?

Also note the cheap production value, which makes me think that any non-studio film made in the 60s looked like porn, whether it was or not.

Speaking of porn, note the titilation quailty as the teenage mother's sluttiness is driven home, as she "turns brother against brother" and makes it with her main Guy Crush (with the sole intention of getting pregnant to "trap" him, every man's most important fear after losing their penis), the truck driver "We only got an hour..." or, getting randomly raped by some Thunderbird gang.

For me it was the randomness of the rape that made this incredibly sad. Watching it, you can tell the filmmakers want us to believe that she's brought the gang rape on herself for being "loose" in the first place and it doesn't even seem to phase her as the very next shot is her in a doctor's office, not for medical treatment or counseling or anything (lord knows rape victims don't deserve that) but to be told there's no such thing as a "little" pregnant by the surly, curmudgenoy old male doctor, who apparently has held this position for twenty years and knows pregnant when he sees it, by god. The Teenage Mother just sits there, all confus-ed about how this could have happened (hence the tag on the end telling parents they need to watch this with their children so that this doesn't happen to their little vagina-carrying angels.

Then the trailer veers back into man fearing/anti-woman misygony with the teenage mother and her Main Crush sitting in a car with her dropping the news that she's pregnant. Of course, the Main Crush asks if she needs money for an abortion and she promptly retorts that they need to get married, which apparently was her whole plan in the first place.

From that, I want to know two things:

1)We have no idea who the father is. It could be her Main Crush, then again it could be the Truck Driver, or any one of the guys from the gang rape. Which only makes her look even worse for the female manipulation angle they're going for. You can just see guys elbowing each other going, "Too bad they didn't have paternity tests back then, 'eh, 'eh?"

2)If she's getting pregnant DELIBERETLY, then why is this a cautionary tale for young women? It's not like the prenancy happened by accident or at least it's presented this way here. She knew she could "trap" her Guy Crush by getting pregnant which is something she sought out to do, unless I missed something and she was a virgin up until that point and the thing she needed to "trap" the boy she wanted was to finally give it "all" up and this apparently then lead her to turn into a sex crazed maniac, which is, of course, what happens to all young women after the first time they have sex. /snark.

Why aren't there any cautionary films out there about young boys running around imprenating girls? From this, you'd think that she got herself pregnant and the poor boy was just an innocent victim in all of this. God, sexism sucks.

Friday, February 22, 2008

A Video for the Day: Ms. Pac Man, Feminist Hero

Going back to Netflix

It's been months since I've used my netflix account, which I put on hold, god, I can't even remember when I put that account on hold but I did it a long time ago and kept keeping it on hold. They have this really cool policy where you can put it on hold for three months at a time and not pay the monthly fee. At first I did it because there really wasn't anything I wanted to watch, and then I got used to not paying 20 bucks a month for the three DVDs that would only end up sitting on my floor for weeks on end.

But now I've decided to start up my account again, if only because I couldn't go one more day without seeing gems like THIS or THIS. And Netflix allows me to watch these cinematic goldmines without the shame of having to physically go into a store and hand over money for them. My bank account won't scoff at my anonymous rental choices, a store clerk very well might.

I have no idea how long I will keep my account active, perhaps at least until TV gets back on its legs and I have regular nightly programning to watch and/or DVR. I don't know if you've noticed but TV's been kinda dead lately.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


His name is Charlie Bartlett, there, are you happy? I know his name, now please stop playing those damn commercials promoting that movie where absolutely EVERYONE says "Charlie Bartlett" every three seconds.

Temporarily Permanent

Yesterday I began my first day of termporarily permanent work. I say that because it's an open ended assignment, so I don't know how long I'll be here but until that day comes I've got a job every day. Which is nice.

While I was used to doing the receptionist thing these past few weeks, this new job has me in an open cubicle, which is the first cubicle I've ever worked in. Somehow I'd managed to avoid the standard working setup of most Americans. I have a desk, a computer, a phone and a space to myself. I even have those electronic keys that open doors, and a parking garage card so I don't have to pay for parking. On one hand it's kinda cool, but on the other this isn't really the place I want to be working at for the rest of my life, if you catch my drift that I don't want to be working here for the rest of my life. Hell, I don't want to be working here for the rest of the month, and yet I very well may be working here for a few while until I can get a job in the industry I DO want to be working in and I don't know when that will be so I have to just stay put.

I'm happy my computer faces the wall so that I can do things like this, instead of, you know, actually working. However, it's not like I'm avoiding work. I'm sure at some point there will be a rush of things for me to do but I'm worried that there might not be and this company realize they didn't actually need that extra pair of hands after all. It's weird, I want to be useful so I don't go back to the day to day work, but I also enjoy getting paid to play Spider Solitaire. Ahh, the conflict of feelings.

Good News First Thing in the Morning

It looks like there may be light left to shine on Friday Night Lights after all. Here's hoping they can get a deal and we can continue to get this great show.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


...creating sociopaths one commercial at a time.


...creating sociopaths one commercial at a time.

In Honor of Zen

Of course this isn't him, but howl away buddy, howl away.

A Sad Day

My dog, Zen, who I've had for about 14 years, passed away. He got sick and my parents didn't know what was wrong and he died this morning. In the last few years he became more of my parent's dog than mine, because of the whole, going to college and then living in California thing, but I was the one who picked him out of the litter to keep and I'd like to think that the few times a year I saw him, that when I slipped him some chicken he remembered who I was.

Rest in piece, old friend.

Monday, February 18, 2008

A Video for the Day: Cucumber Sandwich

Funny, but gross. Gotta love those cheeky Brits.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Gainfully Employed

Faithful readers, you are reading the words of a now semi-fully employed blogger.

Though my awesome temp agency I now have an "open ended" assignment, meaning that there's no end date to my employment. Well, I take that back, there is an end date and that date is when they ask me to stay on permanently. Once that happens I must decline and go back to the touch and go temping, because my heart lies in being a writer and seeing as I've had some success with that I'm going to stick with it.

But, for now, there will be no more waiting for people to call to tell me where to go. As of Wednesday I will be going to the same place for the next few weeks, or, like I said, until they ask me to stay permanently, AND they pay well.

On top of all this, Tuesday I will be back at that one place that paid so super well and I didn't do a damn thing all day. Will lightening strike twice? I doubt it. I figure Karma will get me this time around and actually give me something to do, but that's cool cause I'll just make up for the first time.

It's a cool, internet based company and my basic job will be to make sure shit gets done and to make sure all the office supplies aren't being pilfered so much that the company goes bankrupt ordering Kleenex tissues. And to answer some phones and such, when necessary. Nothing I haven't done before (aside from keeping people from taking office shit, usually I'm the one pilfering Post-It notes, Kleenex and other shit I don't need but it sates the klepto in me).

Here's to employment!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Pussy Lickin' Good

I don't even care if that was too obvious. As the day of commercialized romance comes to an end, something funny. What I truly enjoy is how the white cat seems to just take it, not really getting into it. He doesn't seem like a giver, if you know what I mean;)

Work, Finally!

So my streak ended yesterday and I got one of the best jobs I've had thus far. And by best I mean it was the biggest paying thus far (14 bucks per hour) and I had the absolute LEAST to do.

It was one of those awkward situations where I was there and you could see the realization on my supervisors face that my presence was totally unnecessary but there was nothing she could do because they'd already locked me in for the day. Apparently, the phones had been ringing off the hook the day before and they thought they'd need someone for the next day as well. That is where I came in.

But when I came in, there were no phones ringing off the hook. In an eight hour day I answered the phone exactly six times. I know, because I counted. And four of those were from people who already worked there calling in to see what was going on. I had to transfer a call exactly once. The rest of the time I was doing what I would have been doing had I been at home: Surfing the net and goofing off. Except this time I was getting paid for it and I was using a MAC.

My supervisor kept apologizing, saying that usually there was something to do, and I kept having to pretend I cared, because regardless I was getting paid. I think she was really apologizing to herself for the money she was spending.

Though, I can report that my touch and go work stream might be coming to an end. Will keep you posted:)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008



*and I read about this on EW's blog. Good lord they are scraping bottom.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

And Now We Play the Waiting Game

THE STRIKE IS OVER!!! YAY!! now what?

While it's awesome that writers are going back to work, for a lot of us, specifically yours truly, this doesn't mean much. I'm not on a current show, most of which, like the mid-season shows, have already completed what they're going to make so the only thing for them to do is wait and see if they will get another season and I have no idea if there will be a pilot season or what that would even look like. Add to that I'm at the bottom of the totem pole in all regards so my amount of work amounts to waiting around and seeing where the chips fall and if there's any left for me. It's frustrating because there's nothing I can do but wait and I don't even really know what I'm waiting for. It's like getting ready to run a race, except you don't know when or if the gun's going to go off and you're on the field all by yourself.

But now that the strike is over at least I have a chance to run. At some point.


It makes Riggins sad when you don't watch Friday Night Lights:'( Click the pic to sign the Best Week Ever petition or learn how to send light bulbs.

The Down Streak is Over!

Got a gig tomorrow! The highest paying gig thus far as well! (like, well over the $11 minimum) and I'm excited!

Here's hoping I can make it last for more than a day.

A Video for the Day

If this woman weren't so calm, and it so obvious that the hedgehog is trying to chew something, I'd swear it was being demoniacally possessed.

Recyling is Nice But It Doesn't Pay the Bills

I'm on day two of what I fear will become a non-work week. There's nothing doin' for today on the good temp agency front, so I called the not so good agency front and even they don't seem to have anything for the rest of the week. Damn.

Though I can't say I'm surprised. When I started temping it was raining biblically and quite a few people were probably calling in sick as to not have to deal with the traffic, and it was also mid/late January, when people really were getting sick. I filled in a lot for people who had the flu.

Now, the temperature's getting back up into the 70s, and not just during the day. These past few days it's gotten so warm at night I've had to bring out the window fan again. With the weather nice fewer people will be getting sick, and thus fewer jobs for me to fill in. It sucks but thus is the life of the temp. I've had two and a half weeks of up, I guess this is my down time.

In my down time I decided to finally take out my recycling to the local recycling center. It's one where you can put the bottles and cans into this little machine which counts them up for you. I had one hellavu time getting my plastic bottles to go in, the machine is very picky about exactly how you put in the bottles and some of them it kept rejecting and sending back until I finessed the bottle inside just right.

For my troubles, and my bottles and cans, I got exactly three dollars and forty-five cents. There was nothing that I could do with that except put it into my X-Men piggy bank.

Yes, I have an X-Men piggy bank. Don't laugh.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Ferengi Rule of Acuisition # 18*

"A day without profit is a day wasted."*

Today was the first day not by my own hand that I didn't work:( I guess I shouldn't feel so bad, I've had a great streak of luck and there's still the rest of the week to look forward to, as well as the fact that the writer's strike looks to be seriously coming to an end, but I've gotten used to working again. I even woke up before 8am today! Got to the gym hella earlier.

I can't really complain, I had a really good run there for a while so maybe it's time for a break or something. We'll see what happens with the next few days. I certainly hope I get back on the horse.

* I know the official rule is "A Ferengi without profit isn't a Ferengi at all," but that doesn't make much sense now does it? Especially considering I'm not a Ferengi.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Grammys Again

So I was corrected. Rihanna just won for best something or other and while she thanked Jay-Z and Barbados she didn't thank the Almighty. Then again, I guess for her that would be Jay-Z. ZING!

Is this the moment?

Well, Vince Gill just won an award for best country something or other but the closet thing he said about god was "god bless" as he left the podium. I'm not going to count that because it wasn't actually thanking god.

Grammy ewwwness

Some woman named Keelee Smith was just introduced and for some reason Kid Rock came out to duet with her (ha ha "duet" get it?). It was a weird moment because he's much taller than she is and he came out and was in her face like, "You're not going to sing for these people," and she goes, "I'll do anything you want me to do," and suddenly I got this weird, abusive relationship vibe from them. I'm sure that wasn't the intent but if he'd smacked her I wouldn't have been surprised.

And now we get to a white category, best rock album. Let's see if the winner thanks god.

It's the Foo Fighters, no surprise there. The first person Dave Grohl thanks? "Clive". But did anyone thank god? NOPE. Not even a little bit.

Back to the Grammy's!


Not only black people, but GOSPEL black people. So not only with there be an abundant thanking of Jesus, there will be singing about thanking Jesus! Which black people do so well.

Again, it's interesting, white people were the ones who started this whole, "jesus" business with the Africans they brought to America (and lets be honest, they didn't ask them nicely to convert either) and yet, aside from Evangelical's, in public forums it's usually black Americans who discuss it (unless of course you are running for office)and whenever people need to convey deep spiritual joy and reverence who do they go to?

Black People. Usually black choirs, as with this case for the Grammys where every performer in the gospel tribute was black. I know there are white people who sing "gospel" music, or has it become a specifically black musical genre? I see ads all the time for Time Life Christian music, is that not "gospel"? Or is it that white people just can't sing it as deeply as black people. I've been to white churches and black churches enough in my life to answer that question myself, and no I'm not going to tell you.

Weird: Part Deux

My landlord was just at my door asking me if he could borrow twenty bucks, I shit you not.

If you're wondering, yes I loaned it to him, if only because he's been so cool with me in the past. And because if he doesn't pay me back, I'll knock it off next months rent.

Kanye West

Kanye West is performing a tribute song to his mother and damn if I'm not touched. I know he's an arrogant asshole but he's also talented as all hell and I really feel for him right now. Probably because it makes me think of my own mother and how I would not be able to handle it if she was taken from me so suddenly. The song is beautiful, I think it's "Hey Momma", the chorus is, "Last night I saw you in my dreams/Now I can't wait to go to sleep."

If he cries, I might cry...wait, the song is over.

Something I'm noticing about tonight is that there are a lot of performances and very little award giving. They went straight from Kanye West into Fergie with John Legend. Interesting.

Observation: Definitely, Maybe Not

While watching the Grammy's and keeping my tally (thus far, one black artist has thanked god), I saw a preview for the film Definitely, Maybe, starring the once uber muscled Ryan Reynolds as a dad telling his daughter the bedtime story of how he met her mother. The thing with this film is that the girl apparently doesn't know who her mother is, so it's her job to figure out which one of daddy's girlfriends is his baby momma out of three possible candidates.

What got me when I saw the trailer to this is why the fuck doesn't this kid know who her mother is? Unless you're abandoned at birth isn't that kind of hard? If the mom's died why are there no pictures? If the dad's getting a divorce, well, that's an obvious question. My friend and I went through various situations and all of them lead back to the kid should know who her momma is, unless the mom ran off after the birth and the dad was so upset he just never told her, which is a kind of assholish thing of him to do. The kid should know who her mom is is what I'm saying.

As I caught another preview for the film that thought popped in my mind again, and I thought it would have been more believable for a child to figure out who their father is, but immediately after I had that thought I realized how impossible a film like that would be to get made, because, while Ryan Reynolds can have a relationship with three different women at various times and could get one pregnant at any while not being with the other two, the reverse would basically be a mother telling her kid that she had sex with three dudes during the same time period. And that would make her a slut and we just can't have that. Ryan Reynold's being a slut is perfectly acceptable but as far as we've come we just can't have women having sexual relations with three different guys unless there's an acceptable space, like, say a year, between them.

I won't be seeing Definitely, Maybe for the answer to my question, but I'm sure someone will tell me how the writer designed it so the kid doesn't know who her mother is.


Have you ever been in your car, listening but not really listening to a song because while the radio's on and you're driving you're on autopilot and not really paying attention? And about half way through you come back down to Earth and realize what you're listening to and go, "Why the fuck am I listening to this?" and change the channel?

I've had plenty of moments like that, including this one where I'm "watching" the Grammey's and even though it just started I wondered, "Why the fuck am I watching this?" I can't honestly remember the last time I watched a Grammy show, and I used to be the kid who watched all the freakin' award shows because I dreamed that someday it would be me getting a Grammy (for what I do not know), Golden Globe, Emmy, Oscar, MTV Video Award (back when they actually played music videos) MTV Movie Award, Blockbuster Award. Pretty much everything except People's Choice Award, cause we know those don't mean a damn thing.

But over the years I've whittled down the number of awards shows I watch to three: Emmy's, Golden Globes and the Oscars, cause in our heart of hearts we know those are the only awards that matter.

But I will watch tonight's Grammy's, not because I really want to, it's kinda hard to get into such things when they're on a time delay and I can find out who won with a click of my mouse. I'll watch because I can make a game out of it. I'll tally and see how many artists thank god in their speeches. I've noticed that a lot of the non-white artists (and country music artists) will thank god first thing, but the non-country white artists, who's ancestors fought so hard to introduce the Christian god to those brown heathens, hardly ever do it. I find this fascinating. Along with the fact that with so much going on in the world these artists actually think god would give a shit they just won a material possession.

It really does seem like the end is nigh

So there was a vote and supposedly it went well. Our village elders are saying the rapture could come by Wednesday. Hallelujah.

Friday, February 8, 2008

The End is Nigh!

So many times people have "predicted" the "end" of the world. What irks me is that what they failed to realize is that the end would actually be of people, the Earth would be just fine. And quite frankly, if the end meant I didn't have to be bothered with those people always declaring the Rapture.

Well, there is a new breed of Evangelical. The Strike Evangelical, who is now, and has been for a few weeks, always declaring that the strike is or will be over. Last year it was, "The strike will be over by Thanksgiving!" and when that date passed, "The strike will be over before Christmas!" And then the AMPTP walked out like the Grinch who's heart decided two sizes sucked and went back down.

It was quite for a while, probably as quiet as it was after the clock struck 1900 and all those faithful who'd climbed to the top of the mountain had to lower their shoulders and trot right back down, wondering why Rapture passed them by.

But like herpes the strike rumors didn't stay down for long, they flared back up right after the DGA signed their deal and became a full outbreak once the WGA began informal negotiations with the producers. From then on it was whispers of "strike's over, strike's over," and instead of practicing safe sex everyone, some writer's included, spread the disease.

It came to a head last week, when it was "The strike will be over Monday!" And, much like 1900, Monday came and went, not bothering to fill the pipe dream prophecies of so many disgruntled Hollywood types. Then came the news of this Saturday's meeting, where the WGA leadership will present the details of the deal and take a vote. You'd think Jesus was right around the corner, peeking out and holding a finger to his gleeful lips in a kind of "shhh" manner, waiting for his time to pop out the way people are acting. Every where I turn, again, is news of "strike's over, strike's over."

It is NOT over. As much as I would love it to be over, as much as a part of me wants this Rapture to be true, it's not over until the Guild says it's over. The fat lady, to use the pun, has not sung. We don't even know if she's fucking warming up.

So I will not climb up that mountain. I will wish the guild leaders the best, and remain skeptical until they tell me otherwise and it would be better if everyone did the same.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

If You Want to See Jesus Unharmed, Clean Up Your Wiener Poopie

I just giggled a little inside. Okay, I laughed out loud.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Don't Laugh While You're Being Converted to Christianity

My friend lovey and I grew up in the mid-west, and we were exposed to these things some of you may know and some may not, but they're called Jack Chick tracts, which are tiny comic books depicting all manners of sinful behaviors and the redemption of the people who commit them. The purpose of a Jack Chick tract is to convert those who read them (and who aren't already Christian) in a hilariously bad way. If I were Christian I'd be embarrassed for the extremely bad writing and drawing.

Having just rediscovered these wonderful time wasters I'm going to link to one that's pure gold. It's about a hard brotha with a fro, who has to choose between shutting down another jive turkey who's messing around on his turf, or giving himself over to Jesus as his grandmamma wants him to do so badly. I would put them here but I don't want to get sued, seeing as the damn things are copyrighted, so I'll just link to it.

Don't say I never gave you any enjoyment.


Tomorrow is an important day. Not only is it my dad's birthday, but it's also the day that hotel reservations for this year's Comic-con open.

Why is this significant? Because as years have gone on it's become damn hard to get hotel reservations not only through Comic-Con's discount website, but also through (which lists all the hotels on Comic-con's web site as already being sold out) and, as I found out just now, by calling the hotels directly.

It's become a mad house to say the least, and, if like last year, American Idol is also there at the same time I might be screwed out of a hotel. Last year I didn't get the one I wanted and ended up staying at a hotel that was almost half a mile away from the trolley station and was the worst stay at a hotel I've ever had (even though I was given a discount) and left me with bed bug bites all over my face and body. Let's just say that if it comes down to giving this hotel my money again this year, I might not be going to Comic-Con. Or else, I'll sleep in my car.

Wish me luck, the reservations open at 9am my time and I'll be working. Do you think that I can be fired for not answering phone calls because I'm busy trying to reserve a room?

Monday, February 4, 2008

A Job a Monkey Could Do. Literally.

I don't know how proficient monkeys are with using stickers, but I know that from years of experience with stickers, both academic and personal, that the job I had today was probably the easiest I'll ever have in my life.

My temp job today was placing stickers on these 2 and a half inch, 6 strength magnifying glasses. Whatever strength 6 means. There were 15 cases, filled with ten boxes of twelve magnifying glasses, which, for shits and giggles, I will henceforth refer to as "widgets" cause really, when in the hell have you actually encountered a widget? At least now I can pretend the math from all those standardized tests is being used.

Anyway, I was responsible for putting this companies promotional stickers on these widgets, front and back. For those of you, like me, who sucked at math, I had approximately 1800 widgets to stick stickers on. (Did I just break out my computer's calculator? Yes. And no, I am not ashamed.) I say "approximately" because one box was already open when I got there.

The people were very nice, and the offices were well done, complete with this kind of Boiler Room type of office where all these older guys were sitting at computers watching CNN's stock channel. I have no idea why. I was placed in the kitchen at a descent table, but the chairs, as I would come to learn six hours into my stint of widget stickering, weren't too easygoing on the lower back. At some point I had to sneak into the office and usurp an unused office chair for a moment's reprieve.

By the end of the day I'd completed eight boxes, roughly 960 widgets. My back was hurting, the skin on my hands were ashy, and I had two paper cuts on each thumb but damned if I let the band-aids slow me down. My onsite supervisor was so pleased with my expedient work she had me call my coordinator and used my cell phone to request me for Friday, in order to finish what I started.

While I'm happy to get the full day's work, I'm not really looking forward to stickering widgets again, even if I get to wear jeans to work and listen to my Ipod all day. Even still, I will complete my task, taking down those widgets one sticker at a time.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Did Get Money

I got my first two paychecks today and it felt wonderful:). They weren't that big and I found out that even though checks will be delivered at the end of each week (if you don't drive in to pick them up on Friday then you'll get them either that Saturday or Sunday) they're two weeks behind, so I'm getting my first two days that I worked and next week I'll get the days I worked this week. Fair deal I think. I'm still back to being paid on a weekly basis.

Lovey brought up a very good point in her comment to my last post and I wanted to address the whole half day thing. My coordinator knows I prefer the whole day. He's very considerate of that. He knows I won't work for less than 11 dollars an hour and he tries to get me that or above it and he's been really good about getting my jobs at 12 bucks an hour, including one that was a half day. I've got three whole days of work next week, would have been four but I had to take off a day in order to get my taxes done cause it's not as simple as taking off an hour out here and getting it done on your lunch break so I took off a day and that's my thing.

But, whenever they need to look good, they'll call me and ask even if it is a half day. The two half days were clients they hadn't had in a very long time and it goes a long way that they can deliver someone quickly so in making them look good I've become their go to person for full days preferably and if not then they'll toss me some half day work. Where as the other clients who aren't taking the half days, I'm probably getting first dibs at their full day openings so it's win-win.

And it sure is nice to get a paycheck again. A paycheck from actually WORKING. I feel so much better about myself.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Will Work For Money

I'm going to reach my goal this week of working every day. Even though the last two days have only been half days I think that's better than nothing. If anything one of those days will totally pay for me to fill up my tank (as long as prices currently hold).

I got called in today from 2-6 and my coordinator was ever so happy I took the job. Much like with the rain, I didn't understand why until he told me that most people won't get out of bed for a half day's work and some people just won't answer their phones at all for any work. Again, the Midwestern in me was shocked. Sure, I would love a full day of work but I'm not going to turn down a half day either.
Money is money. And because I'm such an eager beaver I've become his number one go to employee. :) Not just for half days either, but for work period. So while everyone else is sitting it out I'm getting all their income.