Sunday, February 10, 2008

Grammy ewwwness

Some woman named Keelee Smith was just introduced and for some reason Kid Rock came out to duet with her (ha ha "duet" get it?). It was a weird moment because he's much taller than she is and he came out and was in her face like, "You're not going to sing for these people," and she goes, "I'll do anything you want me to do," and suddenly I got this weird, abusive relationship vibe from them. I'm sure that wasn't the intent but if he'd smacked her I wouldn't have been surprised.

And now we get to a white category, best rock album. Let's see if the winner thanks god.

It's the Foo Fighters, no surprise there. The first person Dave Grohl thanks? "Clive". But did anyone thank god? NOPE. Not even a little bit.

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