Friday, February 22, 2008

Going back to Netflix

It's been months since I've used my netflix account, which I put on hold, god, I can't even remember when I put that account on hold but I did it a long time ago and kept keeping it on hold. They have this really cool policy where you can put it on hold for three months at a time and not pay the monthly fee. At first I did it because there really wasn't anything I wanted to watch, and then I got used to not paying 20 bucks a month for the three DVDs that would only end up sitting on my floor for weeks on end.

But now I've decided to start up my account again, if only because I couldn't go one more day without seeing gems like THIS or THIS. And Netflix allows me to watch these cinematic goldmines without the shame of having to physically go into a store and hand over money for them. My bank account won't scoff at my anonymous rental choices, a store clerk very well might.

I have no idea how long I will keep my account active, perhaps at least until TV gets back on its legs and I have regular nightly programning to watch and/or DVR. I don't know if you've noticed but TV's been kinda dead lately.

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