Sunday, February 10, 2008


Have you ever been in your car, listening but not really listening to a song because while the radio's on and you're driving you're on autopilot and not really paying attention? And about half way through you come back down to Earth and realize what you're listening to and go, "Why the fuck am I listening to this?" and change the channel?

I've had plenty of moments like that, including this one where I'm "watching" the Grammey's and even though it just started I wondered, "Why the fuck am I watching this?" I can't honestly remember the last time I watched a Grammy show, and I used to be the kid who watched all the freakin' award shows because I dreamed that someday it would be me getting a Grammy (for what I do not know), Golden Globe, Emmy, Oscar, MTV Video Award (back when they actually played music videos) MTV Movie Award, Blockbuster Award. Pretty much everything except People's Choice Award, cause we know those don't mean a damn thing.

But over the years I've whittled down the number of awards shows I watch to three: Emmy's, Golden Globes and the Oscars, cause in our heart of hearts we know those are the only awards that matter.

But I will watch tonight's Grammy's, not because I really want to, it's kinda hard to get into such things when they're on a time delay and I can find out who won with a click of my mouse. I'll watch because I can make a game out of it. I'll tally and see how many artists thank god in their speeches. I've noticed that a lot of the non-white artists (and country music artists) will thank god first thing, but the non-country white artists, who's ancestors fought so hard to introduce the Christian god to those brown heathens, hardly ever do it. I find this fascinating. Along with the fact that with so much going on in the world these artists actually think god would give a shit they just won a material possession.

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