Thursday, February 28, 2008

This Worries Me...

While I am truly grateful to have a full time job (and the paycheck that goes with it) recent events have caused me deep concern. Most notably I've been given even more responsiblity besides the fetch and deliver responsibilities I had before. I've now been assigned a specific task in my job and while my supervisor was explaining the details to me I couldn't help but run a ticker tape in my mind that read something like this: "You know I'm not going to be here that long, right? Why are you doing this? Oh god, she really believes I'm goign to stay here."

I have no idea if my supervisor just doesn't understand the concept of a "temp" worker or if she's just hoping beyond hope that I'll be the one temp who sticks (I will not) but she assgined me a task that's, quite frankly, long term. I have no intention of being here "long term" as the strike is over and I'm damned and determined to get back on a show by June. That's a long ways away I know but even still I think it would be best for the two people who are already here to handle the long term assignments while I handle the grunt work, which I don't mind doing. I almost feel bad that my supervisor is going to have to 1)find someone to replace me and 2) retrain them in all the harder stuff she's training me to do right now. She's had a history of people not sticking to the position I currently hold and I can see why.

I was okay with the little things, like the phone having my name in the display, me getting a company email (which I totally DON'T need), the parking pass (everyone loves free parking) and even being put on the company contact list and seating chart but those didn't feel as permanent as being given this new task does. On one hand it shows she likes me and thinks highly of me, but on the other it also gives her a false sense of hope because the first chance I get I'm out of here.

I certainly hope I'm not here until June. While it's a lovely place to work it's totally not me and not what I want to be doing for months on end.


Anonymous said...

She's probably having a hard time justifying hiring a long term temp employee to the superiors, board, whatever. So she's giving you the longer term tasks in hopes that you'll get some of it done?

Training is expensive, but so is falling behind on work.

Rodimus Prime said...

Ahhh.Gotcha. It's not hard work, mind you, it's just that if all goes well she'll just have to do this again really soon.