Thursday, February 14, 2008

Work, Finally!

So my streak ended yesterday and I got one of the best jobs I've had thus far. And by best I mean it was the biggest paying thus far (14 bucks per hour) and I had the absolute LEAST to do.

It was one of those awkward situations where I was there and you could see the realization on my supervisors face that my presence was totally unnecessary but there was nothing she could do because they'd already locked me in for the day. Apparently, the phones had been ringing off the hook the day before and they thought they'd need someone for the next day as well. That is where I came in.

But when I came in, there were no phones ringing off the hook. In an eight hour day I answered the phone exactly six times. I know, because I counted. And four of those were from people who already worked there calling in to see what was going on. I had to transfer a call exactly once. The rest of the time I was doing what I would have been doing had I been at home: Surfing the net and goofing off. Except this time I was getting paid for it and I was using a MAC.

My supervisor kept apologizing, saying that usually there was something to do, and I kept having to pretend I cared, because regardless I was getting paid. I think she was really apologizing to herself for the money she was spending.

Though, I can report that my touch and go work stream might be coming to an end. Will keep you posted:)

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