Friday, November 30, 2007

Houston, We Have Heat

Let the warmth spill through the apartment. My landlord finally decided, I guess since it's raining, that it's cold enough to turn on the heaters.


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

WTF Canada?

Really, is cooking this dangerous in Canada?

Video of the Day: Support Jericho Writers!

It's a bit late, but it's cool.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I bet there's going to be a movie about this.

L.A. Blues

A survey in Self magazine ranks Los Angeles number 32 out of 100 for the healthiest living for women. This would be a good thing, if right at the bottom it didn't rank L.A. "Among the five areas with highest depression rates." That's right, women might be super healthy in L.A. but those endorphins can't battle the depression they feel. And why, exactly are women in L.A. depressed? Some speculation from the women at Jezebel:

1) People in L.A. are superficial
2) It's really hard to meet those superficial people
3) And when you do meet those superficial people you find out they're stupid on top of it.

For this, Self magazine figures women in L.A. are depressed. Well, to Self magazine I go all the way back to Jr. high and say, "No shit, Sherlock."

Having managed to live in L.A. for three years I can attest that findings 1-3 are totally true. While there are some cool people I have met, for the most part it is very difficult to meet people outside of work and unless you just love skanky dive bars, or enjoy paying $20 to get into some shitty club (and that's if you meet the dress code) good luck to ya. Most of the people I know who are in relationships here imported those from previous cities and locations.

You, as the reader, may be wondering if I'm ever depressed. To that I answer, "I live in L.A. don't I?" ;)

Monday, November 26, 2007

Video of the Day: Kids Love to Jump on Beds

Ha ha. Happens every time.

Thank God for Coffee Shops

So, in order to not lose what's lest of my sanity, and to not be a total bitch to my family when I go home for Christmas, I've taken up residence for two hours at a Hollywood coffee shop, playing the part of the broke, Hollywood writer with his/her laptop and a cup o'joe, sitting at a table with other writers doing exactly the same thing. Except I don't drink coffee, so I shelled out 2 bucks for a bottle water, just so they can say I made a purchase and have the right to be here. I don't know how many days I'll do this, there's no lot parking so I have to run out every hour and feed the meter, and I'm really fond of my change.

But, as long as I don't turn into the Grinch for Christmas it'll be worth it.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

*Whoops, almost forgot;)

*photo curtosey of I Can Have

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Fogged Out

Last night, coming in from a viewing of Beowulf 3D (save your money if it's not in 3D) there was a blanket of fog covering L.A. (nature's way of promoting The Mist?). Driving through it, I freaked out because I hadn't watched my local news before leaving the house. Though once I got home and turned on my DVR to finish watching "Chuck", I was relieved by those 10 o'clock previews where the weather man warns of the incoming fog in a dire voice, as if he's trying to promote The Mist.

This morning the fog is still here, which might take away some of the thunder of the big WGA rally today on Hollywood Blvd. It was one of those mornings where, since you don't have to be at work anyway, you forgo the alarm and sleep in. I have no idea how long this fog will be here, probably once The Mist comes out it'll see no reason to further promote the film it's staring in and carry on. Though I hope it doesn't put too much of a damper on what will already be a scrappy Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 19, 2007

A Picketing We Will Go

Today was another fine picketing at Fox. I actually met up with two people I'd worked with last year on a show and it was good to catch up. There were also three "celebrities" on our line, Eddie Izzard, Ali Larter and Seth McFarlane. I didn't talk to any of them because they don't know me and that would have been weird but I did see them. And that counts.

Tomorrow is another bit picketing, as everyone is being assembled to march down Hollywood Blvd. before Thanksgiving break. After Thanksgiving, the WGA and the AMPTP are to resume talks and we can hope there's something in that to be thankful for. :)

Video of the Day: This is the Best Huckabee can do?

Wow. Just... crap man.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Random Sighting

Walking home from the grocery store and what do I see? A yellow Lamborghini lookin' at me.

This wouldn't be so odd if I lived in say, Beverly Hills, or even Santa Monica, but I live in Korea Town. East Korea Town. Like, near
Downtown. And this beautiful creature was parked on my street, parked, which makes it all the more unbelievable.

Naturally, I ran back to my apartment, got my camera and took some photos.


Saturday, November 17, 2007

Back to Negotiations

If you've been keeping up with pop culture then you know that the WGA (Writer's Guild of America) has been on strike for the last two weeks. For a moment it looked like they were going to go months without talking however, good news has come forth. On November 26th the WGA and the AMPTP (Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers) are going back to the table.

This is a very good thing, as it might lead to an early end to the strike. A little talking is better than no talking.

Friday, November 16, 2007

F*ck the Gubment

You know what I hate? Calling the Employment Development Department for the state of California. While they have some awesome agents when you do actually get on the phone, it takes FOREVER to get through. I've been doing an experiment where I've been calling-literally-every three minutes for the last two hours and NOTHING. Hell, chance alone should have worked in my favor one of those times. What is it with our government and it's shittiness?

UPDATE: Exactly how long did it take me to get through to the EDD? Three hours. But as always I got a very awesome and understanding agent who squared me away in under five minutes. All will be right with the world...

Thursday, November 15, 2007

TOO FUCKING COOL Video of the Day

The Cal Marching Band does video game themes. They even get the Mortal Kombat theme, which made my heart soar.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Video of the Day: Strange Cat

It occured to me that I haven't done a video of the day in many days, negating the whole, "video of the day" moniker which I'm still using. So here it is, the return of video of the day. Try to guess what the hell this cat is doing...

Kickball, Picketing and Boob Sweat

Last night was our last kickball game for the season. It was a playoff game, one of those "lose and you're out" types and we lost so no more kickball for us. It was fun while it lasted. We actually went out with a bang, only losing 1-2 against a veteran team who were awesome to play. Unlike other teams they weren't pissy about every call and didn't act like douches. I actually did well for a change, driving in our only run, getting on base (TWICE!) and making two vital catches for the out. :) Beer at Big Wang's was great as well, I even flirted with a dude until he opened his mouth and spoke and all kinds of stupidity floated out. Oh well.

This morning I picketed the Ellen show in Burbank, trying to get lonely housewives and the occasional lesbian to turn away in support of the WGA. No such luck as Ellen fans are about as rabid as Old Yeller. I guess once you get that taste of off rhythm white woman dancing you can't get enough.

We got some people to honk for us, until a nice police officer asked us not to because, as it turns out, we were right across from a hospital and sick people don't like their recovery disturbed by honking. It was hot when I was out there and there was very little shade as we walked in a very tight circle, some guys trying to come up with chants and failing miserably. I passed the time by mentally tracking which was sweating more: my back, or my front and it turns out my boobs were more than up for the challenge. It's times like that where I can't imagine having C's, or DD's in the heat of the day.

I also had a celebrity siting today, Dwanye "The Rock" Johnson crossed the picket line, probably in order to do Ellen. A few writers asked him not to, but, like her estrogen charged fans, I guess Dwayne had to have him some of that dancing.

Friday, November 9, 2007

A Picketing We Will Go

I marched in my first rally today. The WGA organized a massive onslaught of the Fox studio in the hopes of pissing off a lot of executives. We won't know if it worked or not, at least not until Sunday. If it didn't then we'll keep picketing until it does:)

I don't have a final count but there was an estimated 3,000 people there today, and while I can't say I felt that our voices were heard I was really proud to be apart of it and support the WGA as well as supporting the writers with whom I've worked.

Jesse Jackson was there, which was weird. But I will say that man is good with rhyming.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Is It Just Me...

Or was Saturday Night Live actually kinda funny tonight? I found myself watching it out of boredom but I laughed out loud quiet a bit. Hmmmm