Monday, November 26, 2007

Thank God for Coffee Shops

So, in order to not lose what's lest of my sanity, and to not be a total bitch to my family when I go home for Christmas, I've taken up residence for two hours at a Hollywood coffee shop, playing the part of the broke, Hollywood writer with his/her laptop and a cup o'joe, sitting at a table with other writers doing exactly the same thing. Except I don't drink coffee, so I shelled out 2 bucks for a bottle water, just so they can say I made a purchase and have the right to be here. I don't know how many days I'll do this, there's no lot parking so I have to run out every hour and feed the meter, and I'm really fond of my change.

But, as long as I don't turn into the Grinch for Christmas it'll be worth it.

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