Tuesday, November 27, 2007

L.A. Blues

A survey in Self magazine ranks Los Angeles number 32 out of 100 for the healthiest living for women. This would be a good thing, if right at the bottom it didn't rank L.A. "Among the five areas with highest depression rates." That's right, women might be super healthy in L.A. but those endorphins can't battle the depression they feel. And why, exactly are women in L.A. depressed? Some speculation from the women at Jezebel:

1) People in L.A. are superficial
2) It's really hard to meet those superficial people
3) And when you do meet those superficial people you find out they're stupid on top of it.

For this, Self magazine figures women in L.A. are depressed. Well, to Self magazine I go all the way back to Jr. high and say, "No shit, Sherlock."

Having managed to live in L.A. for three years I can attest that findings 1-3 are totally true. While there are some cool people I have met, for the most part it is very difficult to meet people outside of work and unless you just love skanky dive bars, or enjoy paying $20 to get into some shitty club (and that's if you meet the dress code) good luck to ya. Most of the people I know who are in relationships here imported those from previous cities and locations.

You, as the reader, may be wondering if I'm ever depressed. To that I answer, "I live in L.A. don't I?" ;)

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