Tuesday, February 12, 2008

And Now We Play the Waiting Game


....so now what?

While it's awesome that writers are going back to work, for a lot of us, specifically yours truly, this doesn't mean much. I'm not on a current show, most of which, like the mid-season shows, have already completed what they're going to make so the only thing for them to do is wait and see if they will get another season and I have no idea if there will be a pilot season or what that would even look like. Add to that I'm at the bottom of the totem pole in all regards so my amount of work amounts to waiting around and seeing where the chips fall and if there's any left for me. It's frustrating because there's nothing I can do but wait and I don't even really know what I'm waiting for. It's like getting ready to run a race, except you don't know when or if the gun's going to go off and you're on the field all by yourself.

But now that the strike is over at least I have a chance to run. At some point.

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