Friday, February 1, 2008

Will Work For Money

I'm going to reach my goal this week of working every day. Even though the last two days have only been half days I think that's better than nothing. If anything one of those days will totally pay for me to fill up my tank (as long as prices currently hold).

I got called in today from 2-6 and my coordinator was ever so happy I took the job. Much like with the rain, I didn't understand why until he told me that most people won't get out of bed for a half day's work and some people just won't answer their phones at all for any work. Again, the Midwestern in me was shocked. Sure, I would love a full day of work but I'm not going to turn down a half day either.
Money is money. And because I'm such an eager beaver I've become his number one go to employee. :) Not just for half days either, but for work period. So while everyone else is sitting it out I'm getting all their income.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fuck yeah!

I wonder if you should make a point of saying just what you said there, that you won't turn down a half day, but a full day would be better, so that your coordinator doesn't just always call you for the halfday shit.