Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Tomorrow Is Contest Day

So tomorrow is another announcement for the contest winners, I have no idea if I will even win one of the shitty door prizes but I think I'm due for one. If I'm really lucky I'll win some big bucks but I've come to realize that I am not a person who luck favors. I've never really been "lucky", everything I've earned I had to work for so I guess winning money should be no exception. I wonder what it would be like, however, to win the big bucks. It'd certainly help with paying the bills and such, then again, so would a better job and I haven't seemed to be lucky at landing one of those either. I dunno, maybe it's just not my year because I was hoping the second half of 2008 would be better than the first but it seems like it's just the same old thing and I may be in for a craptacular year overall. *sigh*

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