Sunday, September 9, 2007

Movie Review: Hatchet

What can I say? I enjoyed it. Hands down one of the funnest horror films in a while and I actually jumped a few times (accompanied by that ever present LOUD GUITAR RIFT) and found myself laughing at the silliness.

It's not a perfect horror film by any means, but it's a cheap, independent film with great production value that actually looks like a professional film crew was involved, and not the director's brother and best friends with a digital camera.

The premise is simple enough: Two college buddies in New Orleans for Mardi Gras go on a haunted swap tour only to get stranded in "forbidden" territory by their con artist tour guide and have their hapless group picked off one by one by local legend Victor Crowley, a severely deformed, severely angry human mutant with daddy issues. Not that his daddy beat him or anything, quite the opposite, his daddy loved him dearly and died of a "broken heart" when he'd thought he'd killed his little ray of deformed sunshine on accident and thus Victor has been on a killing spree ever since...for no apparent reason.

It's all part of the fun I assure you. There are boobs for the boys, and gore for everyone else, including some unique killing scenes, one involving a sander, but for the most part Victor relies on his bare hands to get the dirty jobs done. There's a lot of humor (some unintentional) and I was happy to see the black guy not be the first one picked off (that honor went to the Jesus freaks in the film).

If you're looking to kill an hour and a half, it's not a bad option.

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