Sunday, April 6, 2008

Balls of Crap is More Like It

I some way, some how put Balls of Fury into my Netflix queue and I have no idea why. Perhaps at some point I had the thought it might be worth watching put it there and forgot to ever take it out. I usually don't look into my queue unless I'm adding films. Okay, enough excuses, but let me just say I was surprised when I got my recent set of films and Balls was one of them.

The film is awful, that's all that really needs to be said. I didn't laugh once throughout the whole thing and it seemed like it was trying desperately to be the next Dodgeball (a film I did find enjoyable, if only for the stupidity). But there's no stupidity to find amusing in Balls, especially since you see every single scene worth seeing in the previews. Quite frankly, I was happy when it was over and I stopped it before it got to the end credits. Save your intelligence and your time.

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