Friday, April 11, 2008

Give the Kid the Damn Pa-sickie!

Normally, I don't find the inane babble of babies cute, often times I find myself wondering just when the hell they're going to learn the English language. Just the other day I was in the laundry room where this toddler was doing her damnedest to recite the ABCs on an endless loop and was totally just making noises that sounded like the letters, but they actually weren't the letters, and after the upteeth go round I wanted to yell, "G! it's a fucking G!!! A.B.C.D.E.F. motherfucking G!!!!" least of all not the other letters the kid didn't get, such as H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y and Z.

Anyway, I was surprised to find myself even so much as taking a look at this video, let alone enjoying it. It truly is very cute, especially when the kid thinks he's (she's?) going to get the pa-sickie but the mother just teases her (him?) to get him (her?) to say the word a few more times.

Parents can be so cruel.

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