Sunday, April 13, 2008

Boob Tube

I was a fan of Saturday Night Live. Though a lot of people said it sucked in the later Adam Sandler years, I came up in the sort of "resurgence" era of Will Ferrel, Chris Kattan ("You can't hava da Mango!), Cheri Oteri, Ana Geystar, Tim Meadows, and the rest of that bunch. I would say it probably started to do downhill when they hired Jimmy Fallon but that's just my theory.

Pretty much after that bunch made the ship jump for greener (read: wealthier) pastures in film I stopped watching. Really, what could top the "I need more cowbell" sketch? Not to mention those early Mango and Mr. Peepers sketches were hilarious. Did you see the first SNL The Rock hosted? Frakkin' hilarious!! But I digress.

I've been watching SNL recently on and off because every time I don't the next Monday I would find out from coworkers I missed something funny. So I slowly started watching it again and there would be some funny things, such as the D*ck in the Box digital short, but most of the time they ended up like Laser Cats, which was never funny to begin with.

This long introduction is actually for something very short. I was watching the latest SNL, hosted by Aston Kutcher, and I have to say that in all of the SNL episodes I've seen that opening monologue had to have been the absolute worst thus far. It was embarrassingly bad and I felt embarrassed for all involved, including a cameo by Demi Moore that wasted what no potential she had.

I almost turned it off then but how could I miss the genius that is Andy Samberg's latest digital short. D*ck in a Box it wasn't. It wasn't even S*it in a Box and all the written "apologies" they were doing didn't help anything at all. Perhaps someday this generation will get their Will Ferrals and Chris Kattan's, but I doubt it. Then again, that could be the nostalgia talking.

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