Saturday, October 13, 2007

Night on the Town

I don't get out much. It's due to various reasons that I will not go into detail here, but yeah, one can consider me a type of shut in come the weekend. It pains me at times because I feel I should be partying my ass off every Friday and Saturday night, and occasionally I will, but as time goes on I find myself preferring the company of Battlestar Galactica.

It wasn't always this way. I was whittled down over time. Living in L.A. you'd think there were grand opportunities to party, and there are, but mostly if you're rich and willing to stand in line and be dismissed by a portly body guard for wearing the wrong jeans. I have not done this because I don't own a $300 pair of jeans, so I see no point in the humilation.

Instead, I'd hang out with a few people at what would be described as "dive bars". For me, the dive bar is not the place I'd like to spend a lot of my free weekend time. Especially since I tend to be an asshole magnet and always end up with the weird city guys hitting on me. I had one experience where this guy thought it would be cute to hover over my shoulder while I was ordering at the bar and then refuse to back away when I tried to leave. He just stared at me and for a moment I thought I was going to be stabbed. With Love, of course, but stabbed nonetheless. He finally did get the hint, probably due to my every so bitchy, "move the fuck out of my way" facial expression. But he didn't make it easy to move past him.

Since this is a lot of what I'd get going out in L.A. over time it just became a pointless endeavor. For guys, they get all the hot young things trying to become actresses. For women, or more specifically, ME, I get the Creepy Guys, and the Old Black Dudes and the occasional illegal immigrant (don't ask). Not to encouraging.

So for a while I traded in weekend nights out for Best Week Ever and the aforementioned Battlestar. And I got used to it. And eventually I gave up on going out, because, really, what was the use? Even though it's L.A. at some point it's just the same old people doing the same old things.

But I went out last night. Though I had to force myself. I didn't want to but my friend had another friend in town so I said, "what the hell". We ended up going to an awesome bar called the Library Bar downtown, which had great jukebox music (Modest Mouse!) and cool drinks. I had an ale/lager (not sure) called an Old Rasputin and though I hate Guinness I enjoyed the Rasputin. I even got hit on, by a young man just out of the Navy (save the jokes), who wasn't a Creepy White Guy or an Old Black Man. It was refreshing to say the least.

Is there hope after all? Who knows, I'll just have to continue being social and see what happens.

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