Wednesday, June 20, 2007

If Your Friends Were Jumping Off A Bridge...

Yes! I'd probably jump too, mom. There are you happy now?

Though it really would depend on the bridge and whether or not I was in the mood to either kill or maim myself really badly. No one needs both legs right? They're like kidneys. And besides I wasn't planning on running anywhere...

So this is me. And this is my blog. Shiny and new. I had never intended to have my own blog, if only because I didn't figure why anyone would give a shit as to what I had to say or what was going on in my life. Which isn't much at the moment. I am between jobs and don't really have any close friends to speak of in the LA area. I do have people I talk to/hang out with occasionally but not on a regular basis.

So I spend most of my days sleeping in, going to the gym and then writing at this cute little cyber cafe I recently discovered. Oh yeah, I'm a writer. In Los Angeles. Isn't that a shock. I'd like to think of myself as unique as a snowflake but I know deep in my heart I'm about as unique as a puppy at the pound. Eventually I'll move into acting as well, my ego won't let me do otherwise, but that's down the road. After I bribe some people.

I start this blog because my friend Karen showed me her husbands also new blog and I filled with jealously. Not really, but it sounded cool;) What it did do was get me to thinking that I might want to rethink the not having a blog thing because as I am in between jobs it might give me something extra to do rather than click refresh for the Best Week Ever blog. Plus, I'm a writer, so it will allow me to actually write something every day, as I am told writers are wont to do.

So the blog will keep me from getting rusty. And give me Something. To. Do. And even though I know it'll only be my friends reading this, it's nice to meet you.

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