Saturday, June 30, 2007

Poop Shoot

I went to Target today and it's in this center called the West Hollywood Gateway where you can also go to Best Buy or have lunch at a few of there cafes (which I did).

Driving into the parking garage I drove past a homeless guy who made me do a double take. "Why?" you ask. Because the guy was bent over, pants around ankles taking a shit. I (pun totally intended) shit you not he was crapping on the sidewalk. What's worse, he was doing nothing to hide it. He was by a tiny, newly planted tree and yet his ass was hanging over the concrete. There was a young black man with dreadlocks who I watched from my rear view mirror sidestep the homeless guy and I couldn't imagine having to walk past that.

I'd known of homeless people crapping on sidewalks, I'd even seen the end result when I was looking for the FedEX building near USC's campus (and then I had to side step a sidewalk that was littered with human excrement).
To actually watch another human being crap in full public view, however, was something else. Can't you get arrested for that?

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