Wednesday, June 27, 2007


My father, being the loving father that he is, has been badgering me to buy vitamins for several weeks now, as I have been poor and only eating beans, rice, turkey sandwiches and drinking Ensure. He is afraid that I'm not getting proper nutrition and I'll get osteoporosis, dowagers, or my spine will snap in half or that my organs, in desperate need of B12, would turn against each other in a Battle Royale showdown.

Today I finally got around to buying the Centrum Silver vitamins (chewable, orange flavored) to supplant my nutritional needs also because I finally (FINALLY) got my compensation check in the mail yesterday giving me the means to afford such luxuries.

So thank you daddy, thank you for keeping on me to get the vitamins. My bones thank you, my back thanks you and my organs put down their weapons long enough to thank you:)


Anonymous said...

Hooray for vitamins! Hooray for money!

Mike said...

Vitamin B is the greatest nutrient ever! If people knew how good it made you feel, they'd regulate it.