Saturday, June 30, 2007

Jennifer Holiday duet with Jennifer Hudson

Jennifer Holiday scares me.

1 comment:

LadyLove said...

Jennifer Holliday is the original. No matter how many people sing this song, NO ONE will ever sing it as well as she does and did! I'm a huge fan of Jennifer Holliday. I could listen to her sing all day and all night. Her voice is sweet and melodious. She feels the lyrics when she sings them and her passion is expressed in her voice. Though she sings loudly at times, it is still singing. Unstoppable and can't be topped! Jennifer Hudson on the other hand could sing a lot better if she would sing. She screams and yells and hollars and gives me a massive headache every time I hear her singing. She still needs to learn how to control her voice, as Simon told her when she was on American Idol. We all know you can sing, Hudson. Stop trying to out sing everyone in the known world all at once! What are you trying to prove? Who wants to listen to an entire album of yelling and screaming? In that case, I should make an album.