Thursday, June 28, 2007

Job Interview

I had a Very Important Job interview today, and I don't capitalize those three words to mock them, it really is a very important job, one that I really, truly want.

I think it went well. I managed to make the head guy laugh and he gave me a copy of a book he liked. I don't know if he gave every interviewee a copy but I'll start reading it just in case.

When you prepare for a job interview you can't help but to go over possible scenarios in your head. Will they ask this? How will they be sitting? Do I really not need that bottle water? Is my fly open? (no, it wasn't). How much ass do I need to kiss? I found that you can psyche yourself out by over doing this so I try to just clear my head and go with what happens when it happens. Of course afterwards I go over everything again and again and nit pick myself but it never helps so I'm trying to stop that as well.

I will find out tomorrow if I got it or not, unlike that last job interview where people have still not called me to confirm or deny employment. At this point I'd have to go with "No" and either way I really want this new job. It's right up my ally and the people seem really really nice and it's actually close to where I live so getting to work would take like, fifteen minutes as opposed to 30+ (depending on whether or not there was an accident on the 101).

Naturally I will let the whole world know either way when I know. Wish me luck:)

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