Friday, July 20, 2007

The Written Word

Being a writer I can tell you there's a great feeling in seeing your work completed. don't get me wrong, watching a blank page fill up with your words from your imagination is a great feeling as well, but once you have it all down in that raw form, there's a tremendous sense of 1) relief and 2) accomplishment. You now have It done. And now It can be molded. It's like building a skeleton, putting the bones in place can be time consuming and at times frustrating when you're not sure of what goes where, but once you've got the frame done, or rather the first draft, then the hard part is over and you can play with your creation to your heart's content.

This is where you can see the whole story as it has been laid out and can adjust, edit, lengthen, whatever you need to do. It's a time to have fun with your creation. And I must say, seeing something that I thought up put onto paper brings me a lot of joy and reminds me of why I love to write.

1 comment:

Mike said...

That's a lot like why I like to drink, but substitute the sense of accomplishment with self-loathing, and you have it to a T!