Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I Think I've Been Had

About two weeks ago I was talking to one of my co-workers who's down the hall from me in production and we're hanging out after hours and he telling me how ignorant of TV he is, so much so that he's dating an actress on one of the most popular TV shows out there now and he had no idea who she was. I asked him what her name was and he tells me. I will admit I was impressed, not so much by the fact of who he was dating, but by the fact that he honestly had no idea who she was. That smacked of a bit of B.S. to me but I let it go 'cause we were on our way to a one a.m. dinner at Dennys.

However, today I'm reading a gossip blog and there's a post about said actress and her boyfriend and the name is not of my co-worker. With a puppyish head cock to the side I go, "hmmm" and rethink our conversation. I come to three possible answers: 1) they have broken up and she has moved on very quickly 2)I misheard what he said due to loud music and the conversation might have been in past tense 3) he's lying and I've been had.

He seems like a nice guy so I don't want to think badly of him, but I also don't want to bring this up either. It would be awkward and there's no real subtle way to go, "Hey, you know that actress girlfriend you were dating? Well, apparently she's banging someone else."

Methinks I'll just let it go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

isn't Hayden Pantierre like... 16?