Friday, August 17, 2007

Skin Issues

So it seems that my skin blemishes didn't end with the nasty bed bugs. Now I've got different bumps of a different kind and I'm not sure where these came from, though I suspect foul play.
No, not really. I suspect that my skin is either reacting to me getting hair spray on it or it's not happy with the new bedsheets. To fix the first problem I'm no longer using the hair spray as for the second those sheets are going to be washed in hot water. The bed sheets should be happy I'm giving them the chance. The last time I suspected bed sheets of damaging my skin I threw them out without so much as a second thought.

The thing with my skin though is that I've got great skin. It's awesome. It's got a nice tone and everything. But the drawback to that is whenever something is agitating my skin it breaks out like a California forest fire. It's not even gradual, one morning my skin is fine, the next it's riddled with bumps. My face seems to be the litmus test for possible irritations, as the rest of my body is totally fine (aside from the bug bites).

Thank god for Calimine lotion. I know I must have looked like was doing a sorry assed attempt to start a Pink Man Group last night, there was so much irritated territory to cover, but this morning the bumps seems to be drying out. Let's hope this continues...

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