Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Temp Me

As of right now I am pleased with the temp agency I am with. Unlike the one I originally joined, there is no calling in to an answering machine leaving your free days in a message and then hoping they get back to you. I actually talk to people. I've got two great coordinators who have kept me either in half day or full day work ever since I signed up with them. What I do is call in on Mondays and Fridays and talk with them directly about possibilities for the day or week. Usually an hour after that initial talk they'll call me with a lead. Today, I thought I wasn't going to do anything and I went to the gym (after talking to them and them going, "yeah, nothing will probably happen today) but low and behold a last minute thing came up and they called me.

I worked five hours today on probably the easiest job ever, in a downtown office where they just needed a temp receptionist just in case someone should need something or someone should call. No one needed anything and I got exactly one phone call to transfer. So for five hours I surfed the net (and yes, I know to delete my history before I leave) and twiddled my thumbs (literally). What sucked was that this computer didn't have games for some reason, not pinball, not solitaire, not even mindsweeper, but I guess that just kept me honest.

I will be working at least half a day tomorrow and then my coordinators will work with me from there. While I'm not making much right now, because I keep bouncing from job to job I've still made enough in the last five days to pay my bills for next month. Not even close to paying rent, but hey, at least those are taken care of.

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