Thursday, January 31, 2008

"What's Up, Half-Day?"

That's actually a snarky comment I've heard in the writers room from writers who are pissy/jealous that another writer is leaving early for the day, or, in some cases on time. It's not always used in a bitchy, backhanded way, it can be a joke but more often than not It's employed in the former.

Today I had a half day. Yesterday was a half day, but it was the end of the day which feels totally different than leaving work at 12:30 and sitting at home for the rest of the day. I hope I can get a full day tomorrow and from now on, but I'll just have to take it one working day at a time. What I do like is that my first check will be coming either Saturday or Monday and everyone likes to get paid.

Though I will say that it's better to be getting 12 bucks an hour to play Spider Solitaire and surf the net, than to do it at home for free.

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